Science Resources


Finding helpful tools for teaching a science course online can be difficult. Here you will find NGSS resources, virtual simulations and additional resources for your science course. To view the resource, click on the links below.

NGSS Resources
  • Bozeman Science: This website shares some great resources, such as graphic organizers made for NGSS.
  • NGSS Website: This link will take you to the NGSS official website.
  • NSTA Website: This website can be used to clarify your understanding of NGSS.
  • Phenomena for NGSS: This website has several different phenomena that you can use in your course to start the learning process for your students.
  • Physical Science: This link goes through the physical science lessons that you could use in your classroom.
  • Project Phenomena: This website gives different phenomena that you can use in your class. Also, they give resources that can be used for the phenomena.
  • The Phenomenon Master List: This list gives phenomenon for every age level and topic.
  • The Wonder of Science: This website will give you some great ideas for phenomena, and it provides resources that you can use in your class.
Virtual Simulations
  • AACT: This website has simulations for Chemistry.
  • CK-12 (Chemistry): This website has a variety of simulations, but your students will need to create a free account to access them.
  • CK-12 (Physics): This website has a variety of simulations, but your students will need to create a free account to access them.
  • Glencoe: There are a variety of virtual labs at this website. It includes life science, earth science and physical science.
  • LabXChange: This website has simulations, videos, text, and much more. Also, this website has resources for a variety of science classes.
  • Olabs: This website has simulations for biology, chemistry and physics.
  • Phet: This website provides simulations that can be used.
  • Physics: This Google Sheets give many different simulations that can be used for a physics class.
  • PBS Learning Media: This website has 15 simulations. Also, you can find additional resources here.
  • Wolfram: This website has simulations for life science and physical science.
Additional Science Resources
  • Chemix: This website allows you to create diagrams/lab pictures to show different parts of a lab experiment.
  • Lessons for School: This website is set-up like a textbook for students. Right now the focus is on chemistry and veterinary science.
  • Labs: This resource gives you 54 resources for creating virtual lab experiences for your your students. There are low cost options and FREE options.
  • Ptable: This is an interactive periodic table that has the properties of elements, electron diagrams, Aufbau diagrams, formulas for compounds and names of compounds.


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